Client Testimonials
At Threat Ready, the positive feedback and appreciation we receive from our clients are our highest rewards. Here’s what our clients have to say about our services:
“There aren’t enough adjectives in the world to describe how much we enjoy our training with you!!”
Jennifer Howley
Health and Safety Specialist
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
“I have received feedback from a few staff now that said this is the most relevant training they have ever had!!”
Karen Liphard
ABI Community Services | Traverse Independence
“I want to thank you for the great job you did. I have had nothing but positive feedback.”
Jim Christie
Operations Manager
Thames EMS – Middlesex London
“ThreatReady is that next step needed for the current landscape that frontline services are experiencing in their day-to-day work. It far exceeded the expectations from staff who have truly seen it all and left the training not only feeling prepared, but grateful to have a training that reflected current risks. The course is tailored to the experience of the audience which allows for a robust session of new learning from the start.”
Jason Galindo
Housing First Program Manager
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
“John McDonald and his team from Threat Ready presented a three-day CPTED course to our personnel along with ten members from our community agencies. The course was well-prepared and was highly customized to address our collective needs. The feedback was very positive from both the community partners, and the officers in attendance.”
S/Sgt. Chris Carne
London Police Service
“Threat Ready has been GRCA’s go-to trainer for the past 5 years. Threat Ready has provided annual de-escalation training for the Conservation Area security guards and bi-annual training for GRCA’s Provincial Offences Officers. The content is on trend, the techniques are designed to be memorable and Threat Ready’s interactions with the participants really drive home the hands-on skills that are needed to work out in the field.
Pam Walther-Mabee
Manager Conservation Area Operations
Grand River Conservation Authority
“Feedback was excellent.”
Michael Crawley
EMS Superintendent/Supervisor
Corporation of the County of Perth
Housing First Program Manager
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
“Having collaborated with John and ThreatReady on previous high risk workplace projects, I was left extraordinarily impressed by his cross-section of evidence-based practices, field experience, and depth of knowledge. He is a well-connected resource I will draw on again”
Michael Arntfield
PhD – criminologist
Upper Thames River workplace violence consultant, professor
“Thanks for the excellent presentation John. I have also received
good feedback from the Fire Department”
Ron Richards
Parks and Recreation Superintendent
Central Elgin Municipality
Threat Ready’s
Clients Include:
Medical facilities, university residences, school boards, probation and parole services, government offices, pharmaceutical companies, nightclubs, law firms, shopping centres, and women’s shelters.
- The Superior Court Justices of Southwestern Ontario
- The Ontario Bar Association
- Coca Cola Canada
- Compassion Canada
- PACTIV Canada
- Canada Revenue
- Provincial Judges
- Eaton’s
- Garda Security Company
- London E.M.S.
- Perth E.M.S.
- St. Thomas E.M.S.
- Lambton E.M.S.
- Stratford Fire Personnel
- Oneida Administration
- Oneida Women’s Shelter
- A.I.A.I.
- Akwesasne Administration and Associated Agencies
- Hotel D’ieu Hospital Windsor
- Alexandra Hospital Ingersoll
- St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital
- St. Thomas Municipality
- Lyndon Security
- L.H.S.C. security and personal support workers
- S.J.H.C. security
- Victoria Hospital Emergency Staff
- E.S.I.S.
- Walmart (London
- Chatham)
- C.M.H.A. London
- Probation Officers of Ontario
- Libro Bank
- W.S.I.B. Ontario
- Ontario Police College School Safety Officers
- University of Toronto Housing
- University of Western Research Facilities
- University of Western Police Service
- Upper Thames Conservation Authority
- Wildwood Conservation
- Montessori (London)
- South West Local Health Integration Network
- London Transit Commission
- Cadillac Fairview
- Canadian Military Reservists
- Trudell Medical
- Trojan Technologies
- Brookfield Energy
- McCarthy Tetrault Law
- Firestone Law
- Jeff Conway Law
- Black and Sutherland Law
- Lambton Public Health
- University of Western Medical School and Ivey International Business School.